November 7, 2012

Whether you were running around campus celebrating or pouting in your room by the end of the night on November 6th, you probably turned to the Internet to say something about how you felt. And even if you didn’t say anything, you certainly read what someone else said! As our newsfeeds filled with rants, memes,…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
November 2, 2012

Ok, so nobody\'s denying it: citations can be tricky, and students usually look for ways to make the works cited page as painless as possible. And that\'s ok! But sometimes, we\'re tempted to throw caution to the winds, pay a little visit to an automatic citation cite (like EasyBib or BibMe), and copy, click, paste,…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
October 26, 2012

I’ll be the first to admit that I rely too heavily on spell check. It’s so convenient to have the computer fix your mistakes for you (and if you’re anything like me, sometimes your fingers just can’t keep up with your thoughts, sacrificing correct spelling). It happens when we text, too. There are whole websites dedicated to…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
October 17, 2012

Do you ever wonder what other people are listening to through their headphones while they are workin\' away in the library? Everyone writes to the beat of their own iTunes. Here are a few jams that we like to listen to. Amber is currently obsessing over Youth Lagoon, but her long-term studying favorites have been…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
October 15, 2012

It’s not yet Halloween and television channels are already having marathons of horror movies! That’s right. There is now no place to hide from Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, or those monsters that go bump in the night. [caption id=\"attachment_226\" align=\"aligncenter\" width=\"234\"] He\'s right behind you! Lady! Hello! Crap, she\'s dead...[/caption] That means you’ll be more…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
October 9, 2012

You know that moment when you’re chatting with a group and you mention a word or topic of conversation that you think EVERYONE must be familiar with, only to be met by questioning and confused expressions? (If you have no clue what I’m talking about, then you’re probably giving the computer screen such a look…

Posted by McDaniel College Writing Center
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