Can I require my students to attend a tutoring session?

Tutoring is most effective when students come voluntarily and ready to engage in the process. Research overwhelmingly finds that required visits with a tutor damage students’ internal motivations and overall relationship with the peer tutors.

As a general guideline, we ask that you do not require your students to visit more than once a semester and, if you do require tutoring, that you not attach the requirement to any particular assignment. If you do choose to require that students use Center services for a particular assignment, we ask that you email the Writing Center Director beforehand so that we can ensure appropriate staffing to meet the increased need. Instead, we encourage finding other ways to incentivize more than one visit to the Center.

However, you are more than welcome to require students to attend any of our workshops. Information about topics, dates, times, and locations of those workshops may be found on our Events calendar.