Creating Your Own Writing Environment

Studying & Writing

So you’ve been tasked with some form of writing assignment. You’ve done your research and preparation and now it’s time to sit down and write. So where do you write? A lot of people ignore the importance of having a good writing environment to help you stay relaxed and focused during the grueling writing process. On the other hand, some people feel a good writing environment has to be an already established learning setting, e.g. a library or study hall. I’m here to inform you that having a good writing environment is important and can be created by you to cater to all your comfort and learning needs. When creating a good learning environment you should consider:



Location: What place works best for you? Some people may enjoy writing outside, where the sounds of nature can calm them and allow for maximum focus, while some like to be in coffee shops where the white noise of chit chat and coffee beans grinding helps them stay sane. It all depends on the type of person you are. I personally like to be locked away in my dorm room listening to classical music when I write. Tip: Try to find a place that isn’t cluttered and has good lighting.

Time of Day: Are you a morning person or are do you struggle getting out of bed at anytime before noon like me? You should chose to write during a time of day when you have the most energy and are the most productive. Whether that is at 8am with a cup of Folgers’ or at 11pm with a hot pub meal, find what works best for you.



Company: Who can be around you that won’t distract you from your task? Having your best friend around who will talk to you for hours about last night’s game and Scandal is probably not the best person to have around while you are working. However, if your same best friend has an assignment due too, having them working around you may motivate you. Other people may find that being completely alone works best which is also completely fine.


Comfort: Have a favorite snack or a lucky sweater? Have them around when you start writing. Comfort is the most essential element of a good writing environment. Bundle up in your room, go outside in your PJ’s, do whatever it takes to be comfortable when you are writing. I always make sure that I have snacks and water at hand whenever I start to write.

snuggieSo now that you have your own perfect writing environment it’s time to write. It’s time to put your nose to the grindstone and craft the best piece of writing you have ever done. Wear your snuggie with pride and get to work!


Duane, peer tutor